
Found her this morning at the place suggested. I cannot thank u enough….for your help and encouragement…..thanks again – Fred

I just wanted to say thank you again for your efforts and “Lost Dogs of Wisconsin”. Because you had placed Stella’s photo on Craig’s List, someone who seen Stella quickly checked it and then called me minutes after spotting Stella, we found her less than 10 minutes later. She was very tired and hungry, but otherwise unharmed. Thank you again. – Char


“My dog Hunter is HOME!!!!!!!!!!! He found his way back after being gone for almost 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all that helped our family! I cannot say enough about Lost Dogs Of Wisconsin! All dedicated volunteers who really care!”


“I can’t thank Lost dogs of WI, Colleen, all of those who shared the posting, and the people calling with sightings enough.  These postings generated the sighting that led us to Timber last night.  She’s lost a little weight, has a ton of burrs I combed out, smells a bit like a cow barn and is filthy, but she is home!!! Your information and support brought her back to us.”


Finley was returned to us last night! A woman found him near my home Tuesday afternoon, and thought he was abandoned because he was thin and just seemed to be wandering through the neighborhood. She took him to her farm near Wilmot, Wi. And was taking good care of him (although she didn’t call any authorities to report a found animal). She WAS the lady who went to the gas station and spoke with the attendant who passed the tip on to me Wednesday! She saw the flyer I left there when she went back yesterday and then also saw the posting on your site I’m so thankful for your help during this process….I will be a regular subscriber to Lost Dogs of Wisconsin’s site in hopes of bringing other dogs and their families together. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

– Mollie, Fin and Family


Thank you to everyone for all the wonderful help. Without you, this would not have been possible. Its events like this that give me hope for humanity.


Thank you for all of your help. Lost Dogs of Wisconsin is truly a blessing in giving people and their pets a better chance at reuniting.  – Carla


Received a call from Cindy (from Lost Dogs of Wisconsin) last night saying George just showed up at MADACC. That was the first word we have heard from or about him in the two months he has been missing! Even though his human sadly passed away wile George was on the run; he has a human mom & sister who missed him and love him very much!!! Thank you so much for all of your hard work, !!! the volunteers and especially Cindy. Her heart is VERY dedicated & i’m sure she will also be glad to know George is safe (a little skinnier) & home where he belongs!! She told me not to give up, & now we will all be sleeping a little better tonight!! THANK YOU!!!


After receiving multiple calls of sightings we started leaving food on the edge of a field. We then used a wildlife camera to confirm it was our dog eating the food. We rented a live trap from Rock County Humane Society and finally trapped him after two weeks. I never could have found him without Colleen Duerro. She was amazing during the process. Congrats and welcome home Tux!!   (Lost 8/29/2013 reunited 10/19/2013)


You guys….are second to none….I have to applaud each and every one of you for the level of compassion, care, and genuine concern you have.  You are an amazing team.


I truly appreciate the work you all do….and have to applaud you for bringing so much awareness to Lost Pets.


I contacted you about a Found Dog  about a week ago. He was not claimed.  He’s now being fostered by a wonderful family that ADORES him. Because of his story, several different rescues called with offers of help.

Again, thank you for all you do. Your efforts have made a huge difference in the pet community and LDOW is widely recognized as the BEST way to find your lost pet. – Christine


Thank you so much….and the work you do. We found our dog thankfully. My tears are now those of joy. Thank you so much, I actually read your tips on the website, they were so helpful.


Thanks for producing the flyers and the quick response time! I like the service that is available to owners who have lost a dog. Lost Dogs of Wisconsin is a service that definitely comes in handy for dog owners! – Tony


 A BIG thank you to Lost Dogs of Wisconsin for having a user friendly website and quick response time and all of those who posted in my and my Bobby’s behalf! So much appreciation!


Thank you so much for the information, we called the OAHS this morning and they confirmed he was there. We went and picked him up and he is home, safe and happy. Thank you so much for the work that you do in helping families find their missing pets. We are so grateful for your Facebook page.


This was a great organization, you helped us spread the word and we can’t thank you enough for your time. We (Marios owners) and Mario truly appreciated what you have done!


My daughter’s boyfriend’s dog, Bella, (the husky) got away from him yesterday and needless to say, he was extremely distraught. He searched every humane society/pound in Milwaukee before telling my daughter what had happened. About 10 minutes before my husband and I received a call from my upset daughter, I had seen your FB post about a found husky. I thought, boy that looks like Bella, but being unfamiliar with Milwaukee and the street on which she was found, I didn’t think anymore of it because I thought it can’t possibly be her. Needless to say, when the phone call came, I immediately gave them the number that was listed, and it was definitely Bella. What I wanted to stress in this long e-mail is that I live 45 minutes away from Milwaukee and what are the chances that I would have known the information to give my daughter if it hadn’t been for your Facebook post. She also was taken in by a volunteer from a rescue group and was in very good care. I truly believe there was some Divine intervention here too. All of you associated with Lost Dogs do an awesome job and I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate your hard work! Thank you from all of us dog lovers/owners!


 Lost Dogs of Wisconsin has a lot of great tips and support for those of us who have misplaced our pooches. They helped us find our Angus.


GREAT news! We have her back! We were able to lure her in and catch her! She is coming home! I’m so excited I am crying right now!  I can not thank you enough for your help and support during this time. This is not my dog – she is my neighbors dog- but she is a huge part of my life too.  I will go in and complete the recovery form and I will be excited to see “REUNITED” on her poster!


Also wanted to thank you, Lost Dogs of WI, without your guidance, support, and flyer to use…we would not have got this far or through this difficult time. I greatly appreciated Angie, your volunteer! She provided support & gave me faith, and to never give up on Max and our family. Angie kept me going and that was most important in finding Max. I am forever grateful for the work you and your volunteers do, with sincere thanks & love from our family to yours! Thank you! 


Thank you so much for all your help and support. We are so happy to know that this service is offered and volunteers like you are there to help.


I cannot thank all you beautiful, wonderful, caring people who helped me find Mona Lisa in one way or another. You hoped, you prayed, you spread the word……I thank you. I’m crying as I write this because I am just so touched (& emotional too!)…. I’m a big cry baby but who wouldn’t be with such love! People are good! People do care! All of you will be in my heart forever.


I operate a pet Recovery Service in Canada. We have customers worldwide. I must commend you on the information you supply. I have been in this business for some time and yet i always seem to find something useful on your site.
I often recommend that the owners of lost pets check the site out!
Keep up the great work!

Kevin McKormick,


Thank you soooooooo much!!! What a beautiful service you have given to our animal friends and family.! Words can’t express the gratitude I feel for your help and inspiration!!!